Data privacy policy


This document is for informational purposes only. The legally binding version is always the German version of this document. Prescreen International GmbH, Mariahilfer Straße 17, 1060 Vienna, Austria (hereinafter referred to as “Prescreen”) offers the e-recruiting system “Prescreen” on the * domain (hereinafter referred to as “”), where companies can advertise job vacancies and receive and manage applications. Within the framework of these activities, Prescreen processes personal data on behalf of and for the purposes of the company that you wish to contact with regard to your application. In terms of data protection legislation, that company is designated as a controller within the meaning of Art. 4 (7) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Prescreen acts in this relationship as a processor within the meaning of Art. 4 (8) GDPR. The protection and confidentiality of your data are of particular importance to Prescreen. Of course, your data are processed exclusively in accordance with the relevant data protection provisions, in particular the Austrian Data Protection Act (DSG), the Austrian Telecommunications Act (TKG), the German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the German Telemedia Act (TMG). This Data Protection Policy also meets all of the statutory requirements that will become mandatory with the enactment of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR comes into force on 25 May 2018. Under no circumstances will Prescreen transmit your personal details to third parties for advertising, marketing or other purposes without authorisation. If you have any questions about this Data Protection Policy, you can contact the company responsible or Prescreen by email at

  1. What are personal data?

    Personal data are considered to be all information that allows conclusions to be drawn about your personal or material circumstances, or from which it is possible to identify you.

  2. What data are collected?

    1. For the automated processing of your application, the following data are collected and processed:
      1. first name, surname, email address and, as necessary, address/location, date of birth, title, telephone number, nationality
      2. Additional questions depending on the respective job vacancy (e.g. driving licence)
      3. CV, in particular information about professional experience and training
      4. Skills (e.g. Photoshop, MS Office)
      5. Application photo
      6. Qualifications, awards and linguistic skills
      7. Covering letter
      8. Any files and documents that you upload
    2. We store the written electronic communication that takes place between you and the company to which you are applying. In addition, we process comments and assessments that are written about you in the course of your application process.

    3. To allow us to adapt our services to your needs in future and facilitate easy use of our website, we record statistical information about your surfing behaviour on our website (e.g. the areas of the website you click on or the times when you log in). This data may be recorded for the purposes of support or service optimisation and viewed at any time by the Prescreen administrator, as required.

  3. Purpose of data collection

    Prescreen processes and uses the personal data collected to provide Prescreen services, for the purposes of registration on the companies’ websites, and for the purposes of sharing information between applicants and companies. We wish to draw your attention to the fact that for the purposes of direct advertising we will send you electronic messages about new job offers from companies to which you have previously applied. On behalf of those companies, we process your name, your email address and the data that you entered on your previous application. You can object to receiving these messages at any time by emailing the company concerned or Prescreen at

  4. What are cookies?

    1. Prescreen uses “cookies” to operate its website. These are used to make our website content more user-friendly, more effective and more secure. Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer. “Session cookies” are deleted as soon as you leave our website. In contrast, permanent cookies (e.g. to enable you to return to the application process at a later stage) remain on your computer’s hard drive until they are deleted by your browser. You can prevent the installation of cookies on your computer by adjusting your browser software accordingly. Please note, however, that in this case some functions of Prescreen may not be available to you to their full extent.
    2. Cookies may be required to maintain the “functionality” of the website. Use of such cookies does not require consent and cannot therefore be deactivated. Cookies that are used to “analyse” your behaviour on our website are saved only with your consent. If we use cookies that require consent, when you first access our website there will appear a cookie banner on which you can agree to the use of cookies that require consent. If you wish to change your cookie settings at a later date, you can make the change on the website in the “Cookies” section.
    3. Below is a list of the cookies used:
      PHPSESSIDSession CookieFunctionThis cookie is used to identify the user during his/her use of Prescreen. The cookie is essential for the website to function properly. The cookie ceases to be valid once the browser is
      REMEMBERMEPersistent CookieFunctionThis cookie is used to restore a session that has timed out. The cookie ceases to be valid after two
  5. Are data transferred to or collected by third parties?

    Data collected within the context of your application are not published or forwarded without authorisation, i.e. without your consent, to third parties. Apart from our employees who process your data in the course of providing our services, we transfer your data to the following recipients:

    1. Companies with which contact is to be made in the context of your application process.
    2. Sub-contracted processors acting as IT service providers help us provide our services and in the context of hosting services. They have registered offices in Austria and Germany. If other processors are commissioned with maintenance work, those processors may gain access to your data in the course of their work. In such cases, Prescreen undertakes to oblige them contractually to comply with the applicable data protection provisions and with the provisions regarding data protection and confidentiality under this Agreement.
    3. Prescreen may be legally obliged to disclose your data if the data are required to assert, exercise or defend legal claims of the customer in respect of the authorities.

    If Prescreen wishes to use your data in a way that goes beyond that described above, Prescreen will first obtain your express consent.

  6. Storage periods

    1. Personal data of rejected applicants are stored for a maximum of six months, starting from the date of rejection of the application. If you prefer a longer storage period for your application process (to continue your application at a later date, for example), we request that you adjust the settings accordingly when you register.

    2. Longer storage periods may also result from the fact that the data are required to assert, exercise or defend legal claims in respect of the authorities or if statutory storage periods apply. The data will be stored as long as necessary to fulfil these purposes.
  7. Your rights with regard to stored data

    1. You have the right to free information about the personal data about you that we process, as well as the right to correct and erase data, to limit data processing, and the right to data transferability. If you wish to assert these rights or obtain further information about them, please send an email to the relevant company or Prescreen at
    2. As a matter of principle, our Data Protection Policy and our responsibility and liability in this connection does not cover websites of third-party providers to which we provide links or to which you are forwarded. We are also not responsible for subsequent data processing by the operators of those websites in such cases.

  8. Withdrawal option

    1. You may at any time withdraw any consent you may have given as required by data protection law, with effect from that point forward. If you wish to exercise your right to withdraw, please send an email to the relevant company or Prescreen at
    2. If we use cookies that require consent on our website and you have also agreed to their use, you can withdraw that consent on our website in the “Cookies” section. You will find further information about cookies under section 4, “What are cookies”.

  9. Validity of the Agreement (severability clause)

    The legal inadmissibility, ineffectiveness, invalidity or unenforceability of parts of these data protection provisions and conditions of use does not affect the effectiveness and validity of the remaining provisions.

  10. Complaints to the data protection authorities

    If you believe that we are processing your data in contravention of applicable legal regulations, you can make a complaint to the Austrian data protection authorities or other responsible supervisory authority (in particular in the member state of your place of residence or work).

  11. Contact details of the controller company under data protection legislation

    Name: Katharina Silva Guerrero
    Phone: +43 1 512 59 59-77